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Peer-reviewed publications

21. Deutsch, A.N., Levy, J.S., Dickson, J.L., Head, J.W., 2022. Daily and seasonal processes shape hydrological activity and detectability of moisture in Antarctic, Mars-analog soils. Icarus 380, 114990.


6. Deutsch, A.N., Head, J.W., Ramsley, K.R., Pieters, C.M., Potter, R.W.K., Palumbo, A.M., Bramble, M.S., Cassanelli, J.P., Jawin, E.R., Jozwiak, L.M., Kaplan, H.H., Lynch, C.F., Pascuzzo, A.C., Qiao, L., Weiss, D.K., 2018. Science exploration architecture for Phobos and Deimos: The role of Phobos and Deimos in the future exploration of Mars. Advances in Space Research 62, 2174–2186.

Conference contributions

92. Luzzi, E., Heldmann, J.L., Williams, K., Deutsch, A.N., Sehlke, A., Nodjoumi, G., 2023. Geomorphological evidence of near-surface ice at candidate landing sites in Arcadia Planitia, Mars. LPSC 54, abstract 2335. Oral. [View]


67. Levy, J.S., Deutsch, A.N., Head, J.W., Dickson, J.L., 2021. Rapid deliquescence and efflorescence of salts on the Garwood Ice Cliff, Antarctica: Insights into atmospherically-controlled albedo change and groundwater formation and implications for martian RSL. Workshop on Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Exploration, abstract 8108. Oral. [View]


55. Deutsch, A.N., Head, J.W., Palumbo, A.M., 2020. Assessing the termination of valley networks at the proposed Noachian ocean shoreline on Mars. AGU Fall Meeting, abstract P065-0004. Poster.


31. Tokle, L., Palumbo, A., Deutsch, A.N., Anzures, B., Boatwright, B., Bramble, M., Casey, G., Chen, Y., Denton, C., Lark, L., Nathan, E., Pimentel, A., Tarnas, J., Wilner, J., Head, J., Ramsley, K., Shah, U., Kothandhapani, A., Prasad Gokul, H., Mehta, J., Vatsal, V., 2019. Scientific exploration of Mare Imbrium with OrbitBeyond, Inc.: Characterizing the regional volcanic history of the Moon. LPSC 50, abstract 2484. Poster. [View]


11. Deutsch, A.N., Head, J.W., 2017. Formation of chloride salts on ancient Mars: A framework for deposition on an icy planet from Antarctic analogs. LPSC 48, abstract 2214. Poster. [View]


8. Deutsch, A.N., Ramsley, K.R., Bramble, M.S., Cassanelli, J.P., Horan, A.M., Jawin, E.R., Jozwiak, L.M., Kaplan, H.H., Lynch, C.F., Pascuzzo, A.C., Potter, R.W.K., Qiao, L., Weiss, D.K., Head, J.W., 2016. Science exploration architecture for Phobos and Deimos: Are the moons of Mars in the critical pathway of human martian exploration? 3rd Int. Conf. on Exploration of Phobos and Deimos. Oral. [View]


7. Deutsch, A.N., Ramsley, K.R., Bramble, M.S., Cassanelli, J.P., Horan, A.M., Jawin, E.R., Jozwiak, L.M., Kaplan, H.H., Lynch, C.F., Pascuzzo, A.C., Potter, R.W.K., Qiao, L., Weiss, D.K., Head, J.W., 2016. Science exploration architecture for Phobos and Deimos: Are the moons of Mars in the critical pathway of human martian exploration? 7th LunGradCon. Oral. [View]


3. Ramsley, K.R., Bramble, M.S., Cassanelli, J.P., Deutsch, A.N., J.P., Horan, A.M., Jawin, E.R., Jozwiak, L.M., Kaplan, H.H., Lynch, C.F., Pascuzzo, A.C., Potter, R.W.K., Qiao, L., Weiss, D.K., Head, J.W., 2016. Science exploration architecture for Phobos and Deimos: are the moons of Mars in the critical pathway of human exploration of Mars? LPSC 47, abstract 2345. Poster. [View]

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